Lean vs Bulk: Differences

Lean vs Bulk: What’s the Difference?



Everyone enters the gym or starts working out with a specific goal in mind. Whether it is weight loss, building muscle, increasing endurance, or any other goal you might have, we are all striving to achieve a certain body type.

You may have already heard about lean vs. bulk bodies, and which one you want to have depends entirely on your personal goals and preferences.

Since both lean and bulk body types have their own advantages and disadvantages, we will discuss each thoroughly to help you understand and determine which approach is most suitable for you.

Lean vs Bulk: What’s the Difference?

To explain the difference between lean and bulk in the simplest terms, think of bulk as having a higher body fat percentage and lean as having a lower body fat percentage.

If your focus is to build muscle mass and decrease body fat, your body goal can be classified as lean. To achieve a lean body, you will most likely stay in a calorie deficit while eating a high-protein diet. This ensures that you retain muscle and lose extra body fat.

On the other hand, if you aim to build muscle size and increase your overall size and weight, your body goal can be classified as bulk. To achieve a bulk body, you are probably in a calorie surplus, which means eating more calories than you burn.

A bulk can be either ‘clean’ or ‘dirty.’ The difference between these two is how many more calories you are eating compared to your daily maintenance. For example, if you are eating over 300-500 extra calories a day, it can be considered a ‘clean’ bulk, but if you are eating over 700-1,000 extra calories a day, the bulk can be considered ‘dirty.’

Before we dive into the advantages and disadvantages of having a lean or a bulk body, let’s explain the relationship between body types and muscle building.

Body Types and Muscle Building

Whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph, you will face different challenges while trying to achieve a bulk or lean aesthetic. Genetics play a big role in building our desired bodies, so it’s important to know what we are working with to achieve the best results possible.

Let’s discuss all three body types below:

  1. Ectomorph – They have a slim and lean physique, a small bone structure, and a fast metabolism. It is generally harder for ectomorphs to gain muscle mass and bulk up. A higher calorie intake and strength training are key to achieving a bulkier physique. While it is harder to bulk, ectomorphs stay lean easily and naturally have a low body fat percentage, so maintaining or achieving a lean physique is quite easy for them.
  2. Mesomorph – Mesomorphs are considered to be naturally athletic with a medium-sized bone structure. Mesomorphs are well-balanced when it comes to bulking and leaning out, as both come easily for them due to their natural predisposition for muscle growth. Because mesomorphs have a balanced metabolism, they can easily bulk or get lean, depending on their preferences.
  3. Endomorphs: Endomorphs have a naturally larger body shape with a wide bone structure. They store more fat and have a slower metabolism. Endomorphs can easily gain muscle mass, but fat gain is also easy for them, so it’s essential to be mindful of calorie and food intake to avoid excessive fat gain. Endomorphs bulk effortlessly, but it is hard for them to achieve a lean physique. While it is possible for an endomorph to get lean, it requires a very strict diet and consistent exercise to achieve the desired lean aesthetic.

Advantages of a Lean Body

Lean bodies are widely regarded as healthy and aesthetically pleasing. If you have some muscle mass, lowering your body fat percentage can give you amazing definition that can be attractive and good-looking.

As an example, you can think of Brad Pitt’s body in the movie Fight Club as the golden standard of a lean body. Brad Pitt’s physique became iconic as a lot of people started hitting the gym and asking their trainers for a body like his.

Health-wise, a lower body fat percentage is associated with healthier lives. Lean bodies experience fewer health issues and, most importantly, lower rates of heart disease, cardiovascular issues, and metabolic disorders.

Depending on the sports you are interested in and active in, a lean body can be a huge benefit. For example, in sports like running, tennis, football, boxing, swimming, and many others, a lean body will give you an edge against your opponent, as it boosts agility, flexibility, speed, and athletic performance.

Lean bodies are also great for shopping for clothes, as you can easily find your size, and you can wear slim-fit clothes to highlight your body’s aesthetic. Additionally, lean bodies boost confidence. Being shredded with normal amounts of muscle can impress a lot of people and make you feel comfortable in your own skin—all while radiating confidence.

Disadvantages of a Lean Body

It is harder to build muscle for lean people. For this particular reason, people first do a bulk to build as much muscle as possible and then proceed with the weight cut.

Depending on how lean you are, it might be hard to maintain, as single-digit body fat percentages are hard to keep since it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and discipline, especially nutritionally.

Your strength, muscle mass, and overall size will be smaller compared to a bulkier person. So, if your focus is strength, it is advisable to be on the bulkier side. At the very least, build as much muscle as possible during a bulk and then cut weight afterward to maintain the superior muscle mass.

If you don’t maintain your diet consistently and miss meals, you may experience less energy, as when you are not fueled with enough protein and carbs, your body will naturally have low fat stores since you are already lean.

Benefits of a Bulk Body

A person who is bulky, means that they have are naturally bigger in size, have more muscle mass and are generally stronger. While the size and muscles are bigger, their body fat percentage is also higher.

People who are bulkier are generally invested in bodybuilding, sports like wrestling, strongman activities, arm wrestling, etc. In order to achieve a bulkier body, you will need to stay in a calorie surplus, meaning eating more calories than you consume.

As we mentioned above, first doing a bulk before leaning out is a very common practice. A lot of people when starting theyr fitness journeys, do a clean or a dirty bulk while lifting heavy to maximize muscle growth and after this they cut the weight and keep the muscle mass gains they have made during the bulk.

In the gym culture, a ‘dirty’ bulk is much popular as you can achieve your bulk target weight much faster but you also gain a lot of fat during the bulking process.

It is also important to note that you should still eat relatively healthy while doing a bulk, as eating junk and processed foods are always harmful to your health, no matter what you are doing.

Having a bulkier body also boosts confidence, as you can be the biggest person in the room. A lot of bulkier people also intimidate others with their size, so bulking up can actually boost your confidence levels.

Lastly, bigger and stronger muscles can help prevent joint injuries, as your muscles act as support. However, remember that there is also a risk of injury from lifting heavy weights, so when lifting heavy, make sure to have someone spotting you.

Disadvantages of a Bulk Body

While having a larger body with bigger and stronger muscles can be beneficial, there are also disadvantages to bulking up.

For example, as you bulk, your mobility, flexibility, speed, and agility may decrease. Your cardiovascular endurance can also suffer, as sports that favor leaner physiques typically require good cardio and endurance. Additionally, as you gain weight and develop larger muscles, you may burn oxygen more quickly, which can inherently interfere with your cardiovascular performance.

Depending on how far you take your bulk, you might gain a significant amount of fat, resulting in visible belly fat, which can be aesthetically unpleasing. It’s important to be mindful during a bulk and avoid going too far, as there’s always a risk of becoming overweight.

Bulking excessively can also negatively impact your skin, leading to stretch marks that are nearly impossible to eliminate.

Moreover, as your size increases during a bulk, you might unintentionally intimidate others, particularly if you’re a man, as your larger size can make people feel uneasy. For women, bulking may be perceived as “manly” or less feminine, which could lead to social consequences that need to be considered.

In general, it’s advisable to bulk to maximize muscle growth, but it’s crucial to monitor your progress to avoid going overboard. Whether you choose a clean or dirty bulk, always keep track of where you’re headed.

Should I Bulk or Lean?

The answer to the question depends on your personal preferences—what you want to achieve, how you want to look, and why you are doing this.

If your focus is on strength, lifting as heavy as possible, or becoming a strongman, then bulking is the obvious choice. However, keep in mind that while it is possible to remain lean while weighing heavily, it is very challenging to achieve.

If your primary goal is aesthetics and you want to look good when naked, leaning is the best way to go. Muscle definition is key to aesthetics, and as you build muscle and lower your body fat percentage, you can look very attractive in the summer or any situation where you need to take your shirt off.

A lean physique is especially beneficial for sports that require a lot of cardio and endurance, such as tennis, football, boxing, swimming, etc.

If you’re still undecided, consider your fitness goals: Do you want to build muscle? Do you like your current weight? Or could you gain a few pounds and look better?

If you’re a beginner looking for guidance, we recommend downloading our app, Workit, where you can access personalized workout programs and meal plans. Every tool you might need during your fitness journey is at your disposal.

Remember that the opportunities available to you also depend on your body type. Whether you are an ectomorph, mesomorph, or endomorph, consider what you can achieve and how much effort it will take.

While both lean and bulk physiques are achievable for all body types, the real question is whether you have enough time to put in the required effort.

Bulk vs Lean Challenges

The challenges associated with either bulking or leaning are mainly related to your diet—how much you can eat or how much you cannot eat.

Leaning is associated with a calorie deficit and eating at maintenance, while bulking involves a calorie surplus, which can be done either as a clean or dirty bulk.

In either case, it is important to eat as healthily as possible and not fall for the temptation of fast food and processed foods, as they can easily lead to fat gain, which will negatively affect your health and disrupt your metabolism and hormonal balance.

If you struggle with eating enough or hitting your protein goal during a cut or bulk, consider supplementing with whey protein or creatine. These well-studied and proven-effective supplements can significantly boost your workout performance.


Lean vs. Bulk is all about personal preference, but it’s important to remember not to take either process too far. For example, reducing your body fat percentage to extreme lows can have very negative effects on your health.

As your body weight decreases during the leaning process, you might lose so much weight that you could potentially faint. There are limits to what your body can handle, so be mindful of where you’re headed and pay close attention to the weight or body fat percentage at which you feel your best.

The same goes for bulking. If you take bulking too far, you could gain excess fat, and obesity is linked to various health diseases and complications. Remember to focus on yourself, as a “bulk physique” can look entirely different on someone else and may not be the same for you.

Aim to strike a balance between health, strength, physique, and well-being. Achieving a certain body type is not the key to happiness, but it can be a very positive experience if approached with a healthy mindset.

In short, deciding whether to bulk or lean depends on your current physical state, fitness goals, and abilities. For example, are you underweight or overweight? Answering this question can help you take the first correct steps.

Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, the best approach would be to start working out, and after a month or two, it will naturally become clear how to proceed.

For the best guidance and results, download the Workit App to get comprehensive workout programs and meal plans tailored to your specific needs.

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