The Ana Bootcamp Diet, also known as the ABC diet, is a dangerous undertaking that can seriously harm your health. It can cause you to lose consciousness, deprive you of all energy, and cognitively impair you as long as you continue with the diet.
We will thoroughly discuss the ABC diet, its effects on your health and weight, safety concerns, and alternatives.
Despite explaining what the ABC diet is, it’s crucial to understand that starting diets that strictly limit your daily calorie intake is dangerous for your health and does not provide lasting results.
Weight loss is about building healthy habits, and to achieve lasting results, it is important to improve our decision-making in the areas that led us to gain weight and seek out desperate measures like the ABC diet.
ABC Diet: Insights, Safety and Alternatives
The ABC diet, often referred to as a pro-ana or pro-anorexia diet, is promoted by those who claim that anorexia is not a disorder but a choice. This perspective highlights the extreme nature of the ABC diet.
The idea behind the ABC diet is to limit calorie intake as much as possible. It starts with consuming 500 calories in the first two or three days, but it quickly worsens, with your average daily calorie intake ranging from 200 to 300 calories.
To give you an example, 300 calories is equivalent to 4 eggs or 2 slices of bread, and you would need to maintain this intake for 50 days. On some days, you would consume as little as 100 calories or nothing at all, essentially doing a 24-hour fast.
It’s important to understand the risks of such diets, as they can be life-threatening. Even if you survive, the ABC diet can severely harm your long-term health. People who have attempted such diets often report fainting or being hospitalized.
We will break down the ABC diet into its 5 phases to give you an illustration of how it works, and afterward, we will present a healthy alternative that can be just as effective for weight loss while keeping your body and mind safe. Additionally, you will learn the basics of healthy nutrition to continue your journey independently.
Breakdown of the fifty days of the ABC diet, categorized into 5 phases:
Phase 1:
- Days 1-2: 500 calories
- Day 3: 300 calories
- Day 4: 400 calories
- Day 5-6: 200 calories each day
- Day 7-8: 400 calories each day
- Day 9: 500 calories
- Day 10: Fast (0 calories)
Phase 2:
- Day 11-12: 200 calories each day
- Day 13-14: 400 calories each day
- Day 15-16: 250 calories each day
- Day 17: Fast (0 calories)
- Day 19: 200 calories
- Day 20: Fast (0 calories)
Phase 3:
- Days 21-22: 300 calories each day
- Days 23-24: 200 calories each day
- Days 25-26: 100 calories each day
- Day 27: 100 calories
- Days 28-29: 200 calories each day
- Day 30: 300 calories
Phase 4:
- Day 31: 800 calories
- Day 32: Fast (0 calories)
- Days 33-34: 350 calories each day
- Day 35: 450 calories
- Day 36: Fast (0 calories)
- Days 37-38: 500 calories each day
- Days 39-40: 400 calories each day
Phase 5:
- Days 41-44: 250 calories each day
- Days 45-46: 250 each day
- Day 47: 300 calories
- Day 48: 200 calories
- Day 49: 150 calories
- Day 50: Fast (0 calories)
As you can see, the diet is extremely restrictive. It doesn’t get much worse than this. Although calories are limited, the ABC diet allows the consumption of liquids like tea, coffee, and water.
The key idea is to make the most of whatever we have. With as few as 200 calories a day, it’s essential to use them as wisely as possible. While it’s impossible to maintain your health on this diet, it’s still better to choose the most nutritious foods within the restricted limits.
Foods like red meat, seafood, and poultry should be your priority. However, it’s important to remember that the ABC diet can be life-threatening.
Due to the extreme nature of the ABC diet, you might experience severe side effects:
- Fatigue
- Death
- Weakened immune system
- Cognitive Impairment
- Bloating
- Dry skin, brittle hair
- Dizziness
- Numbness
- Insomnia
- Hormonal disbalance
- hypothyroidism
- Low blood sugar
- Diabetes
- Hypothermia
- Pancreatitis
- Low blood pressure
- Heart failure
- Suicide
The risks associated with the ABC diet are not worth the effort. What is the point of losing 20-30 pounds in 50 days, risking your health, only to regain the weight in a very short period of time?
A serious risk is developing hormonal imbalances, which can lead to severe weight gain and endocrine dysfunction. You can become very sick on this diet; we can’t stress this enough.
Considerations with the ABC Diet
As you will be consuming as few calories as possible, it’s advisable to limit any extra movement or exercise. Remember, the ABC diet essentially puts you in starvation mode, so avoid risks like lifting weights, running, or any type of exercise that might put additional strain on your body.
It is permissible to drink alcohol during your diet, but only beverages like vodka, white wine, tequila, or martini. However, you must consume them in very limited amounts, as these drinks still contain calories. If you choose to drink, you will need to limit your food intake. Additionally, the hangover could make your already weakened body even weaker, so drinking during this diet is risky.
Another important tip is to try splitting your daily food into multiple small meals. For example, have a few bites for breakfast, a few more for lunch, and the remainder for dinner.
Liquids can be your ally during this diet. Incorporating bone broth can be beneficial, as it contains few calories and is tremendously good for your health.
Take these considerations into account to stay as healthy as possible. Remember to have someone monitor you to ensure you are under constant supervision, as it is highly likely that this diet could be fatal.
Approach the ABC diet cautiously; ideally, test it out for a few days and see how you feel. We advise against following it for the full 50 days, as this can pose serious risks to your health.
How Much Can I Lose with the ABC Diet?
This depends on a few factors. For example, your daily basal metabolic rate, or in other words, how many calories you burn on a daily basis to maintain bodily functions.
Another important aspect is your current weight. Are you overweight or underweight? In both cases, weight loss progress will be quite different.
Lastly, consider how long you plan to maintain the ABC diet. The longer you follow it, the more fat you will shed, but remember the risks associated with doing the diet for an extended period.
Some people have reported losing more than 20 pounds in their first month on the ABC diet, but others have also reported being hospitalized due to following it for too long. So, stay cautious.
If you have any muscle built, you will definitely lose all your progress, as staying hungry will cause your cells to start breaking down muscle tissue. By the end of the diet, you will likely have an unhealthy appearance that will be difficult to reverse.
Remember that severe calorie restriction for a long time can lead to serious health problems such as hormonal imbalance, endocrine dysfunction, hyperthyroidism, and many more. Studies have shown you can expect your metabolic rate to plummet.. Additionally, this can lead to long-term health issues and complications.
Alternatives to the ABC Diet
As you are interested in weight loss, it’s important to approach it in a smart way. First, determine your daily calorie maintenance; from there, you can figure out how many calories you need to consume to lose weight effectively and consistently.
For this, it’s ideal to download the Workit App and use the BMR calculator, or you can directly request a personalized meal plan where your daily calorie and protein needs are automatically calculated.
Workit can help you structure your diet specifically according to your dietary preferences, whether you want to follow a carnivore diet, Mediterranean diet, keto diet, paleo diet, or many others. The free tools in the Workit app are your allies in properly planning and structuring your weight loss journey.
When trying to lose weight, it’s crucial to stay in a calorie deficit while also eating the right foods. A protein-rich diet is perfect, as protein helps with satiety and keeps you full longer than carbs.
For example, a diet consisting of 80% protein and 20% healthy carbs would be ideal for healthy and potentially rapid weight loss. If you want a very aggressive strategy for your weight loss journey, aim to eat 1,200 calories a day, focusing 80-90% on protein. This ensures your body’s and brain’s healthy function.
Foods like beef, salmon, tuna, eggs, and chicken are perfect ingredients to build your meals around. It’s important to limit fast food and processed foods, as they can disrupt your endocrine and hormonal balance and significantly increase your calorie intake, which will negatively impact your weight loss progress.
Additionally, pairing your healthy diet with activities like walking 10K steps a day can really boost your weight loss journey and help you lose up to 15 pounds a month in a healthy manner.
It’s important to calculate your daily calorie maintenance using the Workit app to ensure you’re eating the right amount and preventing overeating.
If you do these two simple things—eat a protein-rich diet and walk consistently every day, up to 10K steps—you’ll be on track to shed those extra pounds.
All in all, the ABC diet is quite dangerous and can cause you serious harm. If you decide to proceed with it, take extreme caution. Ideally, if you really want to try the ABC diet, start with 3 days and see how you feel.
We advise against completing all 50 days, as this can be life-threatening or lead to very serious, irreversible health problems. If you are set on trying the ABC diet, limit it to a few days and then assess how you feel.
Ideally, take an alternate approach and focus on eating a calorie deficit and protein-rich meals. Remember, protein helps with satiety, so you will feel full longer compared to eating carbs.
The ABC diet is a high-risk and high-challenge undertaking. As you will likely feel weak during the diet, make sure you don’t have much to do during the day, as even minimal stress can cause you to collapse or faint.
Lastly, stay mindful of your food choices. With a daily intake of up to 200-300 calories, it’s important to make the best choices and eat foods like beef, fish, eggs, or chicken.