Author: Workit App
Weight Loss Challenge Ideas: Achieve Your Goals
Participating in challenges is a great idea when your goal is weight loss. When multiple people are involved in a weight loss challenge, group activities can make it easier for you to stay on track, keep yourself accountable, and generally enjoy the whole process. We can list multiple weight loss challenge ideas, and we will,…
How Long Should I Bulk For? Complete Guide
Bulking is a concept that involves eating more calories throughout the day than you burn—in other words, staying in a calorie surplus so that you can gain additional mass to meet your specific needs and goals. Bulking is an effective way to build extra muscle and strength. There are multiple types of bulking, such as…
Can You Take Creatine Without Working Out?
Creatine is one of the most popular supplements for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and it is very big in the bodybuilding community. Creatine is recommended to a wide range of people working out and trying to improve their physiques. It is one of the most well-studied and documented fitness supplements, known for its safety, effectiveness, and…
Does Stevia Break a Fast? Detailed Analysis
When it comes to artificial sweeteners, you might think that unlike sugars, they won’t affect your glucose and insulin levels. This is partially true but largely depends on the quantities of the products consumed. Stevia is a natural, zero-calorie, and zero-protein sweetener, and studies have continually backed its effectiveness and safety. If consumed in low…
What Does 20 Pounds of Fat Look Like
At first, you might think that 20 pounds isn’t a lot, but if you take a closer look, 20 pounds really adds up and can drastically affect your appearance and daily activities. To give you an example, 12 bottles of 750ml wine weigh 20 pounds. So, imagine if you’re overweight by 20 pounds — it’s…
Does Gum Break a Fast? Full Analysis
As someone who is actively involved in intermittent fasting, you always wonder what tools you can use to battle hunger or keep your mouth busy, whether for amusement, enjoyment, or any other purpose. Does chewing gum break a fast? The majority of chewing gums available on the market contain sugars, artificial sweeteners, coloring, and flavoring…
Does Creatine Break a Fast? Full Analysis
Creatine is one of the most popular, well-researched, and effective fitness supplements on the market. Many beginner and experienced gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts take creatine in supplement form to improve their athletic performance, endurance, recovery, and muscle mass. As intermittent fasting has become quite popular and a lot of people have started practicing it due…
Does Pre-Workout Break a Fast
Intermittent fasting has become quite popular in the fitness world, and many people have started training while fasted due to the supposed benefits. If you’re one of those people who train fasted and are wondering whether pre-workouts break a fast, we have the answer: it depends on the ingredients in your pre-workout supplement. Does pre-workout…
How to Gain Weight With Fast Metabolism
You can think of metabolism as your body’s engine, which determines how many calories it needs to burn to keep going. The amount of calories burned during rest (in other words, BMR—Basal Metabolic Rate) varies from person to person and differs significantly between men and women. If you have a fast (or high) metabolism, it…
If I do HIIT Everyday Will I Be Tall?
Height is heavily linked to genetics, nutrition, and overall health and fitness levels. While most of your height is determined by genetics, you can maximize your potential by living a healthy and active lifestyle. Starting at an early age is better, but it’s never too late to take the first steps toward growing as tall…